BrightFish Blog

Graham Bright

BrightFish Literacy Leader Update for April 2022

April is a busy month of testing and seeing how much growth students have made this year. It can be a stressful time, so we’ve pulled together tips for reviewing gains data and understanding growth metrics. Post-Testing It’s that time again! The district test schedules

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Sue Koch

Practice makes perfect: Overlearning to read

Below-level readers often have an underdeveloped capacity for working with text as a pathway for learning. One way that technology can help students create increased capacity for reading is through “overlearning,” which basically means continuing to learn a skill even after you have mastered it. 

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Sue Koch

Reading is a process. So what’s missing?

Many teachers observe that their students are good decoders of text, but they just can’t comprehend it. So what’s going on? Reading comprehension is comprised of underlying skills working together in unison. When one of those parts is underdeveloped or inefficient, students struggle to understand

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Sue Koch

Are we there yet? Evaluating progress for struggling readers

Progress is personal to every child. Amazing growth for one student is a disappointing slide for another, and it’s the work in-between assessments that offers a more complete picture of skill development. Struggling readers often have a lot of ground to cover, making it even

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Reading Practice
Sue Koch

It’s the most wonderful time for reading

It’s been a challenging few months for all of us, but teachers and students have been working diligently to overcome the uncertainty of this unusual school year. The holidays may be longer than normal this year, so it’s time to get creative! Here are a

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